There are several things that should be kept in mind
if the DevTools are to be ported to an
unsupported Smalltalk
development environment.
If the Smalltalk in question is a version of VisualWorks
with Envy
installed, it may be possible to
install the enhancements of the DevTools one method at a time.
To start the porting, attempt to load the DevelopmentToolsApplication. All the other changes
which are made will be dependent on
the code in that Application and its SubApplications.
If the load was successful, the other methods can be dealt with one at
a time.
Best results will come from working on the EtTools
Application and its
SubApplications next.
Experience has shown that it is best to work with EtTools80 and then
work backwards up the list of SubApplications until EtTools is reached.
First, look at the list of modified
methods that matches whichever version of the DevTools was imported
into the library.
If after comparing the changes, you find that the only differences are
the ones made by the DevTools, then you can go back to the previous
method editions browser and load the modified method.
However, if the changes are more extensive than just what was done by
the DevTools, the modifications made by the DevTools will need to be
copied into the appropriate places in the currently loaded method, and
these new changes will need to be saved. If this is done, please make
sure to copy not
only the code, but also the comments about the changes as well as the destructive
change notification. This will insure that the changes can be
easily found later and that whoever is looking at the method will know
what was changed.
Continue this process until all the listed methods in that
SubApplication have been modified.
Without versioning the modified Classes or the SubApplication, repeat
this process backwards up the list of SubSpplications owned by EtTools
until EtTools is reached.
After this, the process can be continued until all the modified methods
are loaded into all the other modified Applications.
If the versioning of the SubApplications and Applications waits until
all the changes have been incorporated into the image, the new DevTools
features version
| name each with comments ... can be used on
both the Classes
and the Applications.
If you have successfully incorporated the DevTools into an unsupported
Smalltalk development environment, and would like to share the changes
with others, then please contact
As I state in my copyright
preferences, I want to approve any derivative works based my work.
If you are having some problems porting the DevTools, I may be able to
help as my schedule permits. Contact
me and I’ll see what I can do.