Workspace Browser changes

Image of a Workspace browser window open on the DevTools workspace.Workspace Browsers are a file and code editing feature provided by Adventa Control Technologies’ ControlWORKS framework.

The DevTools provide several enhancements to these windows.

Inspector pane:

Many of the features of a SortedInspector have been added to this part of the Workspace Browser.

Image of the pop up menu that appears in the field pane of a Workspace Browser. Inspector field list:

A new feature has been added to an existing menu item and a new menu item has been added.


Some classes, such as OrderedCollection, override the default inspector with one designed for themselves.

If the Shift key is held down while this menu item is chosen, a SortedInspector will open on the selected variable.

If the Shift key is not held down, the selected variable will be inspected by whichever inspector is the default for the object’s type. If the object’s class does not override the type of inspector, the object will be inspected by a SortedInspector.

See WSBInspector>>inspectField and its callers for additional details.


This submenu has been added to the pop-up menu in the Inspector pane.

This submenu works much the same as the browse menu that has been added to SortedInspectors.

The menu item browse and its submenu items on the pop-up menu can be removed from the menu using code in the supplied DevTools workspace.

See WSBInspector>>fieldMenu, WSBInspector>>browseClass, WSBInspector>>browseHierarchy and their callers for additional details.

Image of the SortedInspector text pane popup menu. Items include "paste previous...", "debug it...", "map keystrokes..." and the "browse" submenu.Inspector text edit/value pane:

This pop-up menu is similar to the enhanced TextEditor pop-up menu. The paste method call... submenu item has been removed because it is currently only available in code browsers.

Image of the SortedInspector text pane popup menu. Items include "paste previous...", "debug it...", "map keystrokes..." and the "browse" submenu.Code edit pane:

If a new WorkspaceBrowser is opened after the DevTools are loaded, the code pane in the window will have an enhanced pop-up menu like the one on the right.

This pop-up menu is similar to the enhanced TextEditor pop-up menu. The paste method call... submenu item has been removed because it is currently only available in code browsers.

Since the WorkspaceBrowser class does not inherit from the existing EtBrowser hierarchy, many of the methods that implement the functions of the enhanced menu had to be copied to WorkspaceBrowser. For more information see the methods added by the DevToolsCWEditingApp into the code actions protocol.

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