Configuration Maps Browser changes

Image of a Config Maps browser window.Aside from the additions of the horizontal scrollbars and the scroll bars speed governor, the primary changes to this browser are in the pop-up menus.

Config map list pane pop up menu. The menu item “find ...” was added.Names pane menu:

There is one addition to this pane’s pop-up menu.

find ...

Unlike the find application menu item, this provides a way to search through all loaded and unloaded config maps for the entered Application or Subapplication name substring.

Find (sub)application dialog box. The name of an application or subapplication is entered into the text entry field.When the find ... menu item is chosen, a dialog box is presented with an entry field for the search string.

Wildcard characters ‘*’ can be put in the string. If none are found in the string, they are automatically added to the start and end of the string before the search starts.

Find (sub)application progress box. Cancel may pressed to abort the search.After the OK button is pressed, a dialog box pops up in order to show the progress of the search. Clicking on the Cancel button at any time will abort the search.

Searched for Application not found in any config maps dialog box.When a search has completed, if no methods are found, a dialog box with the text “No applications found matching [your search string here]” will be presented.

Application or subapplication editions found dialog box. An application or subapplication and one of its editions must be chosen before pressing the “Accept” button.If any Application or Subapplications names are found that contain the specified string, a double pane list chooser showing the found editions will open.

The left-hand side will list all the Application or Subapplication editions that match the search string. If more than one edition is found, each one will be listed separately in the list.

When one of the editions is chosen, the list on the right side will be filled in with all of the Config map editions that the selected Application or Subapplication resides in. Like the left hand list, if more than one Config map edition is found, each one will be listed separately.

If a Config map edition is selected and the Accept button is clicked, the selection in the Configuration Maps Browser will be changed to match the chosen Config map and Application or Subapplication editions.

The menu item find ... on the Names pane pop-up menu can be removed from the menu using code in the supplied DevTools workspace.

See EtConfigurationMapsBrowser>>findApplication and its callers for additional details.

Editions and Versions pane pop-up menu. There are no new additions to this menu but a new feature has been added to the load menu item.Editions and Versions pane menu:

No new items have been added to this pop-up menu, but a new feature has been added to an existing menu item.


When an Config map edition is loaded, a notation is appended to the version’s comments. The date and time of the loading, who the logged in user at the time was, and what type of browser the loading was initiated from will be detailed here. A loaded notation might look as follows:

Loaded at: (September 3, 2002 8:18:58 pm) by: Library Supervisor from: a EtConfigurationMapsBrowser

The logging of when a Config map edition is loaded can be turned on or off using code in the supplied DevTools workspace.

For more information on the logging, see EMConfigurationMap>>logLoaded and its callers.

Applications pane pop-up menu. The menu item “browse editions comments” was added and a new feature has been added to the load menu item.Applications pane menu:

There is one new item on this pop-up menu and an added feature on an existing menu item.

browse editions comments

This menu item works the same as the browse editions comments menu item of the Application Manager’s Application pane menu. Any comments associated with the versions of a selected application can be viewed using this menu item.

The menu item browse editions comments on the Applications pane pop-up menu can be removed from the menu using code in the supplied DevTools workspace.

For additional details see the documentation for the browse editions comments menu item in the Application Manager and EtConfigurationMapsBrowser>>browseApplicationVersionComments and its callers.


A new feature has been added to this menu item. When an Application is loaded, a notation is appended to the version comments. The notation includes the date and time of the loading, who the logged in user at the time was, and what type of browser the loading was initiated from.

For more information on this feature, see the documentation for the load menu in the Application Manager

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